Patient Charter
What You Should Reasonably Expect From Our Practice
You will be treated as an individual and will be given courtesy and respect at all times, irrespective of your ethnic origins, religious beliefs, personal attributes or the nature of your health problems.
Staff will maintain your right to privacy and not discuss your illness with other staff or Doctors within hearing distance of other people.
Your Doctors and practice nurses will strive to see you within 30 minutes of your appointment time. Where this is not possible you will receive an explanation for the delay on request.
If you need a repeat prescription, one will be provided within 48 hours (Monday to Friday) of your request. Patients needing an urgent appointment will be able to see a doctor within 24 hours. (If you ask for a named doctor this may take longer.)
You have a right to a full explanation of your illness and any tests, investigations or consultations relating to that illness. You must inform us if you do not understand the explanation.
If you require a home visit or out of hours house call, the doctor or his qualified deputy will make a decision whether to give advice over the telephone or to visit. Lack of transport in itself is NOT a reason for a home visit.
If you have any complaints or concerns relating to the practice, it’s staff or the services offered, please contact the Practice Manager, who will provide a timely response to them.

What The Doctors and Practice Staff Should Reasonably Expect From You
We ask that you treat doctors and staff with courtesy and respect at all times. Doctors have instructed their receptionists to ask certain questions so that they may deal with your requests in accordance with policies set out by the doctors.
Please let us know if you change your personal details or address. If you cannot keep an appointment please let us know as soon as possible, this may enable someone else to be seen.
Please order repeat prescriptions 48 hours in advance. Do not expect prescriptions every time you see a doctor – they are quite often not necessary. Please follow your doctor’s advice and take the full course of medications that may be prescribed for you.
Before seeking a home visit think seriously whether it is necessary. When requesting a visit please contact the surgery before 10 am unless a genuine emergency arises later. Out of Hours visits should only be requested in an emergency, not for minor illnesses, which can wait until morning.
We are committed to maintaining good communications and providing a high standard of care to our patients. Helpful suggestions are always welcome.
Please Note
- Any patient who is more than 15 minutes late for an appointment will be asked to book another appointment; the person may be seen at the end of the surgery in exceptional circumstances only.
- People who appear intoxicated on attending the surgery will be asked to book another appointment when sober.
- Action will be taken if any patient repeatedly fails to attend for booked appointments.
- The Practice has a NO SMOKING policy within the building. Visitors must not bring weapons (neither real nor replica), drugs or alcohol onto the premises.
- Any person who is verbally aggressive or abusive will be asked to leave.
- Anyone who is threatening or actually violent will be asked to leave or will be removed from the premises by the police.
- Any patient who is violent will be removed from our list immediately.